Tiger Pride

Tiger Pride
Tiger Power

Monday, February 28, 2011

Telesis Expansion Fundraiser

New Expansion Project Fundraiser - March 25-27 & April 1-3
At first this was slated for just March 26, but it has expanded to two week-ends in a partnership with GraceArtsLive performers and staff: Telesis Families and Friends are invited to a concert by Eric Kunze (pronounced "Koon-zee") and Gina De Luca, students of none other than our very own Grace Ann, who has offered to share a portion of the profits of 6 concerts to assist with our Expansion Project. Eric and Gina run Big City Broadway, which is affiliated with C.C.A., the California Conservatory of the Arts, a pre-professional training ground in the arts for talented young people, grades six through twelve. They have performed on Broadway and produce a concert of Broadway hits called "Broadway's Best.” That is the concert they will perform on stage at GraceArtsLive theatre with one difference: Eric has offered to come to Telesis to teach Intermediate students several back-up songs that, with parental permission, they will accompany him on stage. Check out Eric’s website at www.erickunze.com. Tickets will sell for $25 for adults and $12.50 for children.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Student of the Week !!!

Cassie Hull
Avery Andreasen

A Great New Year !!!!

Dear Parents,

I have to say that the " New Year ", 2011 has started off very well for Class 29. Our class has settled into a very good routine and we are all working as a cohesive team. I have to say that personally, I wake up most days ( 99.9 % ) eager to get to school to begin our current lessons.
These students are very special young people and they never cease to make me smile with their questions and statements. I also wanted to thank each of you for your support.
Best Wishes,
Mr. Thomas