Tiger Pride

Tiger Pride
Tiger Power

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First Grade Common Core Standards

I am very excited about using the following program to teach my class : “First Grade Common Core” and hyperlink those words to point to this link: http://corecommonstandards.com/core-curriculum/first-grade-common-core-workbook/" This has everything needed to teach First grade core standards, and it appears to be very "kid friendly"

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Firsst Grade Common Core

I am so excited about receiving my " Common Core State Standards " workbook. I have been using the preview booklet with my students and it far surpassed my expectations. These are skills that are specific to the needs of my students. http://corecommonstandards.com/blog/free-first-grade-common-core-workbook-giveaway/