Tiger Pride

Tiger Pride
Tiger Power

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Home Reading Log

I have implemented a new home reading program. This program requires students to read at home throughout the week., and is scored as follows.     

A = 100 or more minutes per week
B =  91-99 minutes per week
C =  81-90 minutes per week
D =  71-80 minutes per week
F  =  70-0  minutes per week

Each student will receive one reading log per week to document their reading.
This reading log will need to be turned in to me each Thursday in order for the student to\
qualify for their Friday Tiger Time. Any student that scores an " F" on their weekly reading log
will voluntarily relinquish their Tiger Time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Reminder: We have conferences scheduled from Sept. 21-23rd

I just wanted to remind parents/gaurdians, that we will be having our scheduled conferences next week.
        I have sent home your scheduled conference time with your child.
  I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Open House

I wanted to thank all of the parents that took the time to come visit me in room 29. I enjoyed meeting with all of you. I feel very fortunate to have such a great group of kids in my classes.
Having taught in the public school system has given me a great appreciation for Telesis Academy. My last public school class housed between 32-36 students at all times. This compared to my current 18 students, is outstanding.  Our class can really cover alot more material in a much shorter amount of time. Not to mention that I have the time to assist those that may be having an issue with a skill or assignment. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or issues that may arise throughout the school year. Your comments and ideas are always appreciated.